LOG STATUS: Updates completed daily by 12pm ET

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🔴 Red or 🟡 Yellow = Logs are offline or software is undergoing updates

All records tables throughout The Sharp Plays reflect the most accurate data based on the last logged wager in the content logs below.

TSP Portfolio Wager Log

The log below contains all wagers for the TSP Portfolio. A detailed performance breakdown of TSP Portfolio stats can be found by clicking the "Records & Logs" link in the website menu and then clicking the "TSP Portfolio Performance" link.

TSP Live Algorithm Log

The log here covers all the angles for the TSP Live (subscriber) Algorithm Selections released. For more information about TSP Live, click the "TSP Live" link in the website menu.

TSP Insiders Log (Free & Paid Group Moves)

The log contains all official client releases and group moves from TSP Insiders' sources. Leans are not logged/tracked.

TSP Content Log

The TSP Content Log is published to track all archived and recorded angles published throughout The Sharp Plays platforms. The log was launched in June 2021. To see the compiled records for all these angles that appear in the log, visit the "Archived Records" page and the "Sports Content Records" page. The links to both pages can be found on the "Records & Logs" link in the website menu.