How do you get the Telegram app (Telegram.org) and join The Sharp Plays channels? It’s quite simple…
- Telegram is a FREE app. Visit your favorite app store (Google/Apple) and search for “Telegram”. You will then see the Telegram app with some version of the logo above (paper airplane). Install the app and setup your username and profile (takes seconds). Be sure to allow the app to issue you notifications to your phone so that you don’t miss a thing. You can also download the Telegram app to your laptop/desktop (Mac or PC) by visiting Telegram.org.
- Once the app is installed, visit/click on the following links…
- To signup for the TSP Sports Telegram Channel, where all TSP Live subscriber alerts and a variety of free public content is delivered, visit https://t.me/+w0XmbjQZqUkzMjUx.
**YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A TSP LIVE SUBSCRIBER TO JOIN THE CHANNEL!** - To signup for the TSP Insiders channel, visit https://t.me/+uA1toIdUnulhYWNh. The channel posts a variety of free content from TSP Insiders (TSPInsiders.com).
- To signup for the TSP Twitter/X channel, visit https://t.me/+-ECIBmTplTg5NDAx. The “TSP Twitter” Telegram channel is where all my tweets (@TheSharpPlays) are posted. Never miss any Twitter content again! It’s a great option for those who don’t want to use or subscribe to Twitter.
- To signup for the TSP Financial Market Analytics Channel, visit https://t.me/tspfma.
- To send me a message through Telegram, visit https://t.me/TheSharpPlays.
- When you get to the pages through the links above, you can click on the “View in Telegram” button. Clicking the “View In Telegram” button will open the respective channel for you in the Telegram app so you can subscribe to it…and that’s it! If you also allowed notifications on your phone, tablet or computer, then whenever The Sharp Plays post a message you will get a notification! Doesn’t get any easier. Feel free to send any messages (click here to contact).
- To signup for the TSP Sports Telegram Channel, where all TSP Live subscriber alerts and a variety of free public content is delivered, visit https://t.me/+w0XmbjQZqUkzMjUx.
- Once the app is installed, visit/click on the following links…