What is the Oddsmaker’s Report?
Once upon a time, the sport with the highest betting volume was horse racing. Bookmakers would be found all throughout the race track. Bookmakers would get passed information from bettors, from the trainers, from the jockeys, and even from the veterinarians. The bookmaker was the most informed person at the track, and he would use this information to his advantage. Not much has changed in all these years, except today a bookmaker’s information is no longer limited to horse racing. Modern day bookmakers accept action from the sharpest bettors on the planet, and across a myriad of sports, well known & obscure. Every sharp bettor or betting syndicate needs to bet with a book somewhere/somehow to profit from their information. Therefore, the bookmaker becomes the most informed operator in the business of sports betting. By having a great relationship with two global sportsbooks, I am able to bring you this top tier information.
The Oddsmaker’s Report provides a high level view of the betting market action from one of the two books with whom I have a relationship. The Oddsmaker’s Report delivers actual messages that traders and management at one global book post to their group chat. The Oddsmaker’s Report covers a myriad of information…from group buys and known bettor action to information passed along from other sportsbooks & brokers, heavy book needs, late sharp action, non-public information, market commentary, special sharp and recreational bettor wager requests (and requests for wagers above the posted limit), general commentary, price opinions/assessments and much, much more!
The Oddsmaker’s Report content was launched in August 2021…and since that time has received glowing reviews from subscribers. The Oddsmaker’s Report has built such a reputation that it’s used by other bookmakers and gambling industry professionals…not just gamblers! The Oddsmaker’s Report provides much of the content you see across The Sharp Plays platforms! Don’t miss any more of the action!
How can you access the Oddsmaker’s Report? Oddsmaker’s Reports are issued as as a part of the TSP Live subscription. For more information on TSP Live subscriptions visit the “Subscribe” link in the menu at this website or click here!
Good luck in your action!