Robin Hood Selections
Taking from the books and giving to the people!

Donated to Charity (November 2022-Present): $18,477

What Are Robin Hood Selections?

The goal of Robin Hood Selections is simple:
💰 Take from the books and give back—whether to charities or TSP followers—spreading good karma along the way.

As gamblers and as humans, we can never have enough positive energy in our lives!

How Do Robin Hood Selections Work?

📝 Robin Hood Selections are publicly posted wagers (straight bets, parlays, teasers, props, etc.) based on insights from The Sharp Plays arsenal.

📢 Where Are They Posted?

📌 Wager Funding:

  • The initial wager amount is often determined by the likes and retweets from TSP followers.
  • If the bet wins, the profits go to a selected charity.
  • If the bet loses, the charity still receives a donation, and we move on to the next Robin Hood Selection!

Why This Idea?

I wanted to bring Robin Hood Selections back—but not as a paid selection.

This format allows us to:
Have fun without any cost.
Generate good karma in the gambling world.
Support charities through wagering.
Help those less fortunate—all while betting.

It’s a win-win—even when the bets don’t cash! 🎲♻️